Project Overview

The product — Callyzer, was ideated from an internal need to track and analyze data for our telecalling and outreach team. The main idea was to create a tool/mobile app to measure & track the number of calls, just like a screen time measurement tool.

Successful iterations based on personal needs and user feedback helped Callyzer turn into a powerful cloud-based call monitoring solution for businesses of all sizes, from startups to enterprises.



The initial idea was to create a basic analytics dashboard to track the number of dialed/received calls, the duration of calls, frequent dials/receives, and some standard metrics. As we started refining the idea, we discovered a potential use case — helping businesses and startups track the calling activity of their teams to improve the efficiency of sales/lead gen operations.

We brainstormed the basic idea and came up with Callyzer — a free app that helped business owners get a detailed summary of the daily operations of a tele-calling team. Plus, several other useful features were added to improve and enhance telecalling productivity.


The use case of the app had massive potential as it is always challenging for a business owner or team lead to track the calling activities of team members. Business owners are usually interested in understanding:

  • How many calls were done during the day?
  • What were the interactions between the potential customers and your team members?
  • How many of the call receivers were prospective leads?
  • How many calls remained missed (no one responded)?
  • What is the status of assigned leads?
  • How many leads were not contacted by the team members?

Modern telecalling software with IVRS and VoIP functions can quickly provide these insights. But small businesses, local teams, and early-stage startups don’t have the funds to invest in a fancy solution.

Every business with a telecalling team needs a system to assign leads to team members and track call activity. This simple activity can potentially increase their sales.

Callyzer was thought with the same problem in mind. Building an Android-first cloud platform made sense because the product idea was geared for Indian markets, where most team members just had an Android smartphone.

It would make it easier to integrate into the existing hardware, and the cost of installing an app on any phone (and connecting to a central dashboard) won’t be heavy on pockets.


Our development team developed a product roadmap consisting of the most critical features to start the development process.

A web app + an Android app with two modules (one for the business owner and another for employee mobile) was planned to address all the challenges and pain points. The features and utility of the app are as follows:

  Callyzer for Business Owners (Web App) Callyzer App for Employees (Android App)
Use Case/Application

Tracks the employee’s call activity and sync with the cloud server.

Check the number of calls, call duration, missed calls, and received calls daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

  • View the device state like current status (Low Battery, App is Uninstalled. Issue with Synchronization, etc.)

View statistics and analytics based on their daily/weekly/monthly calling activities

Lead Management
  • Assign leads to a particular team member
  • Import the lead data in bulk
  • View the assigned leads and connect
  • Add calling notes and change the status of the lead.
  • Schedule calls and app will remind a team member to make the calls
Call Recording

Syncs all the recording data to the cloud server for retrieval at a later stage

  • Record all call using the recording feature of their device.
  • Create employee groups and use tags to segment teams
  • Lead tags feature allows users to create tags/state of leads based on their needs.
Analytics & Reporting

Complete summary of your team like Total Calls & Duration, Total Incoming Calls & Duration, Total Outgoing Calls & Duration, Total Missed calls and Total Rejected Calls.

Analytics reports for checking which employee has dialed more calls, has the longest duration, has answered more calls, etc.

Average duration per call, average duration per day


Callyzer's Powerful Reporting & Analysis Developed by WebsOptimization

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Summary Reports:

Complete summary of your team like Total Calls & Duration, Total Incoming Calls & Duration, Total Outgoing Calls & Duration, Total Missed calls, and Total Rejected Calls.

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Which employee has dialed more calls, has longest duration, has answered more calls, average duration per call, and average duration per day.

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Never Attended:

List of calls you have never talked after a user has missed them. The number will stay on the list until you talk with that person. This will help teams never miss a potential client.

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Not Pickup by Client:

List of the calls which you have dialed but never talked. The number will stay on the list until you talk with that person.

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Unique Contacts:

This list displays the unique contacted numbers of call attempts. This will help you to know the exact number of unique clients contacted by team members.

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Connected Calls:

Displays the number of calls that have been talked to. It will help you to know your talked client call details.

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Working Hours:

Actual time spent by the users while making calls which includes the call duration, process time, and add-on time. This will help you to find your team's actual working hours.

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Call History:

Complete call history along with the notes and recordings.

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Lead Overview:

Overview of the lead data like Summary, Analytics, Call History, etc

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Lead Not Contacted:

It lists all the leads who are never contacted by the employees. There are different filters available and users can export the list to CSV.

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Status Report:

Generate a report for status-wise lead data.

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Status Change Report:

Get a detailed idea about when the status is changed for any lead and by whom it’s changed.

Integrations & APIs

  • Integrates with IndiaMart, JustDial, Zoho, LeadSquare, Zapier, and Integromat:

- Fetch all the IndiaMart lead data directly to your lead management dashboard.

- Transfer/sync all the data, analytics, and reports of the users and export them to excel or other CRM portal/software.

  • Third-party APIs to fetch the calling activities data and integrate them into other third-party systems like CRM or cloud-based lead management software.

Tech Stack Used


The cloud-based tool is now being used by 500+ businesses globally as an affordable solution for lead management, call tracking, and improving the sales team’s efficiency.

500+ Clients Worldwide
7000+ Tracking Phone Numbers
1M+ Downloads
4.5 App Rating

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